Cycles is a custom time period in which a team works to complete items on their backlog. At the end of the sprint, the team will usually have finished building and implementing a new version of their project or product.

POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/:cycle_id/
PATCH  /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/:cycle_id/
DELETE /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/:cycle_id/
POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/cycles/:cycle_id/transfer-issues/

To transfer issues of one cycle to another, the payload should be sent in the below format

	"new_cycle_id": "2380ce13-1cc4-4f67-9f57-a2b7686886d7"

Cycle Object


  • name string (required)

    Name of the cycle

  • description string

    Description of the cycle

  • start_date date

    Start date of the cycle

  • end_date date

    End date of the cycle

  • created_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was created

  • updated_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was last updated

  • view_props

    It store the filters and the display properties selected by the user to visualize the issues in the module

  • sort_order

    It gives the position of the module at which it should be displayed

  • created_by , updated_by uuid

    These values are auto saved and represent the id of the user that created or the updated the

  • Project uuid

    It contains projects uuid which is automatically saved.

  • Workspace uuid

    It contains workspace uuid which is automatically saved

  • owned_by uuid