GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/activities/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/activities/:activity_id/

Issue Activity Object


  • created_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was created

  • updated_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was last updated

  • verb string

    created or updated

  • field string or null

    The field that got changed null when created

  • old_value string

    Old value of the field

  • new_value string

    New value of the field

  • comment string

    Comment auto generated

  • attachments - [url,]

    Url of all the attachments that are in the activity

  • old_identifier uuid

    Old identifier of the field

  • new_identifier uuid

    New identifier of the field

  • epoch float

    Epoch float field when the activity was created.

  • project uuid

    It contains projects uuid which is automatically saved.

  • workspace uuid

    It contains workspace uuid which is automatically saved

  • issue uuid

    The issue the activity is attached to

  • issue_comment uuid or null

    The comment uuid if the activity was created due to a comment

  • actor uuid

    The actor who triggered this actor