POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/comments/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/comments/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/comments/:comment_id/
PATCH  /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/comments/:comment_id/
DELETE /api/v1/workspaces/:slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/comments/:comment_id/

Issue Comment Object


  • created_by , updated_by uuid

    These values are auto saved and represent the id of the user that created or updated the module

  • created_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was created

  • updated_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was last updated

  • comment_html html *string (required)*

    HTML string version of the comment

  • comment_stripped string

    Stripped string version of the comment

  • access string

    If the comment should be visible externally also if the project is published or not. Takes in two values

  • project uuid

    It contains projects uuid which is automatically saved.

  • workspace uuid

    It contains workspace uuid which is automatically saved

  • issue uuid

    The issue the activity is attached to

  • actor uuid

    UUID of the user who commented.