Plane One supports a standard Docker-based installation via our own command-line interface called the Prime CLI.


  • A Plane One license If you don’t have a license, get it here.

  • A virtual or on-prem machine with at-least 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM

  • x64 AKA AMD 64 or AArch 64 AKA ARM 64 CPUs

  • Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS

    For Amazon Linux 2 or Linux 2023, click here.

Upgrading from Community Edition to One

Do not install One first if you are upgrading from the Community Edition. Follow the instructions below first all the way to the end of the section Restoring your data to your One instance.

We strongly recommend you install One on a fresh machine, not the one running Plane Community.

Backing up your data in the Community Edition now comes with an option to back up your data.

  1. Use ./ to open the operator menu and select 7 to backup your Plane data.
  2. When done, your data will be backed up to the folder shown on the screen. e.g., /plane-selfhost/plane-app/backup/20240522-1027
  3. This folder will contain 3 tar.gz files.
    • pgdata.tar.gz
    • redisdata.tar.gz
    • uploads.tar.gz
  4. Copy all the 3 files from the server running the Community Edition to any folder on the server running Plane One on any folder of your choice._createMdxContent

e.g., ~/ce-backup

Restoring your data to your One instance

  1. Start any command-line interface like Terminal and go into the folder with the back-up files.
    cd ~/ce-backup
  2. Copy and paste the script below on Terminal and hit Enter.
    sudo mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR
    for FILE in *.tar.gz; do
        if [ -e "$FILE" ]; then
            tar -xzvf "$FILE" -C "$TARGET_DIR"
            echo "No .tar.gz files found in the current directory."
            exit 1
    mv $TARGET_DIR/pgdata/ $TARGET_DIR/db
    mv $TARGET_DIR/redisdata/ $TARGET_DIR/redis
    mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/minio
    mv $TARGET_DIR/uploads/ $TARGET_DIR/minio/uploads/
  3. This script will extract your Community Edition data and restore it to /opt/plane/data.
  4. Follow the instructions for new installations below.

New installations

  1. ssh into your machine as the root user (or user with sudo access) per the norms of your hosting provider.
  2. Run the command below with the last twelve characters being your license key.
    The easiest way to get this command is from the customer portal where you also got your license key. Each entry on the portal shows the command bound to the license key, so you can just copy it from there.
     curl -fsSL | sh -

Successfully running that command,

  1. Validates the license key
  2. Downloads prime-cli per your OS and your CPU’s architecture and saves it to the /usr/bin directory.
  3. Runs the prime-cli setup command with necessary parameters. which in turn
    1. Asks you for the domain to link the license to

      Choose this carefully. The domain linked to the license can’t be changed later.

    2. Asks you to setup Plane in Express or Advanced modes

      Express is the fastest way to setup Plane. Advanced lets you configure all Docker services to your specs.

    3. Installs Docker and its necessary plugins

    4. Downloads the license file

    5. Downloads docker-compose, plane.env, and the images for the microservices that will run in the Docker network

    6. Downloads the required docker images

    7. Starts Plane services

Successful installation shows you the domain you entered in 1. above. Go to that domain to access your Plane app.

Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm will come soon. Please reach out to us for updates and to have a quick chat to help us build it better.