Profile settings
Your account settings offer the ability to adjust your profile details, password, theme preferences, and email notification settings. Additionally, you can access a comprehensive list of all activities across workspaces.
Access your account settings from the side-navigation bar by clicking on your name/profile picture and selecting Settings.
Your profile includes details about you, primarily your name and display name, which are visible to others, especially in the assignee or creator sections of work items and other entities. You can update this information here.
Additionally, you have the option to deactivate your account, which removes you from all the workspaces you are associated with. However, please note that deactivating your account will not delete the work items or any other entities created by you.
Timezone and language
You can now customize your timezone and language preferences.
The timezone setting controls how times are displayed across the platform, including notifications, activity logs, start and end dates, etc.
Currently, we support English, French, Spanish, and Japanese, with more languages coming soon.
By default, the theme on Plane is light. You have the option to synchronize it with your system's preference, select from a range of themes provided by us, or create a custom theme that reflects your personality.
To create your custom theme, you can specify the following:
- Background color: This sets the background color for all platform sections except the sidebar (such as dashboard, work items, pages, etc.).
- Text color: Determines the color of text across the platform, excluding the sidebar.
- Primary color: Defines the color of all call-to-action buttons and selections in the navigation.
- Sidebar background color: Sets the background color of the side navigation bar.
- Sidebar text color: Specifies the color of text displayed on the side navigation bar.
By default, email-based notifications are disabled for new users. You have the option to turn on all notifications or select specific types of notifications. Once you save your preferences, you will only receive email notifications for work items that match the preferences you have selected.
Notifications include updates on work items you've created, are assigned to, or have subscribed to. These notifications can also be found in the Inbox section on your sidebar. They encompass:
- Changes in work item state or properties made by others
- Mentions of you on work items
- Comments added to work items
- Work items created and assigned to you