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Export work items to backup, analyze, or share your data

Plane allows you to export all your work items—from a single project or multiple projects—so you can access your data outside of Plane. You can export work items into CSV, Excel, or JSON formats. Additionally, you can choose how you'd like the data to be packaged: in a single consolidated file or split into separate files (downloaded as a ZIP).


All key fields related to your work items are included in the export, except for work item types, custom properties, relations, links, attachments, and estimates. We're actively working on adding these soon.

Export data

Role: Workspace Admins

  1. Go to your Workspace Settings.

  2. In the right pane, select Exports.

  3. Choose format
    You can export work items in one of the following formats:

    • CSV: A plain text file with values separated by commas.
    • Excel: A formatted spreadsheet file.
    • JSON: A lightweight, machine-readable format.

    Click the Export button for your preferred format.

    Export work items

  4. Select Project
    After selecting your format:

    • Choose to export work items from all projects or a specific project using the dropdown.
    • Optional: If exporting work items from all projects, you can split the data into separate files. This will package the exports into a ZIP file.

    Select project


Exporting large workspaces may take some time depending on the number of work items.

  1. Download file
    You can view the history of your exports under Previous exports. For each export:
  • You'll see its status (e.g., Queued, Completed).
  • The date and the name of the user who triggered the export.
  • Once completed, you can download the file by clicking Download.
  • Click the Refresh status button to ensure the latest updates.

Download file


Exported files remain downloadable for a limited time (7 days).