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Turbocharge speed and performance

Hyper Mode is a feature in Plane designed to make your workspace faster and more responsive. By storing workspace data directly on your machine, Hyper Mode reduces the time it takes to load issues, modules, cycles, labels, members, and other workspace elements when using issue layouts.

Use Hyper Mode

Hyper Mode is turned on by default. To manage it, click the ? icon on the sidebar. This opens a menu where you can toggle Hyper Mode on or off as needed.

Self-hosted instances

Hyper Mode requires your Plane instance to be served over HTTPS. Ensure your server uses a valid SSL certificate.

Enable Hyper Mode

Important security considerations

Logging out clears the locally stored data to protect your privacy.

If you're working on a shared or public computer, take extra precautions by:

  • Disabling Hyper Mode or
  • Ensuring you log out when you're done to clear the local cache.

Under the hood

When you turn on Hyper Mode, Plane creates a local cache on your machine using a SQLite database powered by the Origin Private File System (OPFS). This allows us to keep a synchronized copy of your workspace data right in your browser, dramatically reducing the need for repeated server requests.

Data sync challenges

Our sync mechanism is continuously improving, but you might occasionally encounter inconsistencies. Most sync issues can be resolved with a simple page reload. If that doesn't work, try these steps:

First-level troubleshooting

  1. Turn off Hyper Mode.
  2. Wait 10 seconds.
  3. Turn on Hyper Mode again.
  4. Allow 10-30 seconds for data synchronization.

Advanced troubleshooting

If the first method doesn't resolve your issue:

  1. Disable Hyper Mode.
  2. Completely quit your browser.
  3. Re-open Plane.
  4. Turn on Hyper Mode again.
  5. Wait for full data synchronization.

You can continue using the app while sync happens in the background.

If these steps don't resolve the issue, reach out to our support team for further assistance.