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Modules are a flexible way to organise issues in your project. Modules can be goal based, where you track progress of a new feature you are building, they can be milestone based where you track the work for a new marketing campaign or they can be discrete pieces in your software architecture like a specific micro-service, which have a lead.

Toggle modules

Modules are automatically enabled in a new project by default. You have the option to disable or enable them later by accessing project settings.

Create modules

To initiate a new module, simply press M from any project view, or access the module page directly. You'll need to provide a name for the module, and you can also include a description, designate a lead, and set start and due dates, which can be added later if needed. Create module

Add issues

Once a module is created, you can add new issues to the module or include existing issues from the module page. You also have the ability to add multiple modules to an issue from it's properties, which makes it easy for scenarios when an issue has to be a part of a feature module and a release module. Add issues to module


A module has the following states

  1. Backlog
  2. Planned
  3. In progress
  4. Paused
  5. Completed
  6. Cancelled

Any module created goes to the backlog state by default, you can use this to inform about the progress of a module in your project.


Modules can be visualised in the grid, list or gantt layouts offering the ability to investigate how modules are progressing or how they will progress. With the gantt layout you can visualise how your project's goals are sequenced and identify if they are on track. Module layout


Since a module is just a collection of issues, a module indicates the progress by the number of completed issues in it. This can be used to understand how much work is left in a module before it can be closed. Module progress

Remove modules

You can remove modules by deleting them. Upon deletion, all associated analytics and progress reports are also removed. Any issues linked to the module are subsequently de-linked.


We will soon introduce a feature to archive completed modules, allowing you to conceal significantly older modules from your views.